Here is another lovely post. Just thought I'd share with you what I wore this Sunday. For those of you who know me well, you already know that I'm a devout member of the Mormon faith and attend church every Sunday in my "Sunday Best". Of course, my "Sunday Best" has always been a bit different from others. I feel that in order to be close to God I must literally "dress my best" and so I put a lot more effort into my Sunday outfits than my regular school outfits.
I also think I enjoy them more since in these occasions it is normal to wear dresses and high heels. (This kind of stuff at school is just a little out there... even for me.) Surprisingly enough, most people appreciate my church wear. I've always kind of thought that people would be disturbed by the fact that there is a lot of regality and power in my clothes and that they would accuse me of not being humble enough--but I supposed there's nothing wrong with being proud with your religion and wanting to dress nice for God.
Anyway, I suppose the point of the point of this post is to show that powerful dressing is actually a good thing. People who dress "weak" come off as weak. People who dress powerfully, people think of that way. Yes, beauty on the inside is important too, but that doesn't mean that beauty on the outside is insignificant.
The outside is what everyone is going to see. So you want what you wear to compliment your spirit so that people can see that too.
I dress the way I do because my spirit is a very regal, powerful thing. I want that to come through, to let other people see the refinement that is there and to appreciate it. I also want to see it to, and I feel better when I dress this way--I feel balanced with my spirit.
If you don't believe in spirits or souls or whatever, that's okay. Just remember that you want what you wear to reflect who you really are, not someone else.
I also believe that when you dress in a way that reflects the inner you, other people notice and will compliment you on those attributes of you that they may not have noticed before. (I get compliments just as much about how mature and composed I am as I do about my clothes) and I think that those are the most cherished compliments because that's what I want others to see.
Don't get me wrong... I'm not here just to brag or suck in compliments -- that's not why I'm interested in fashion. I'm interested in fashion for the same reason painters are interested in paint. It's one of my talents and terribly good fun.
Now everyone always asks: "Where do you find this stuff?" And I respond: "Target, Kohl's and most of my jewelry is home-made." And people say: "I shop at those stores, but I just don't find the same stuff you do." But I don't think that's what they really mean. I think what they mean is "I shop at those stores, but I still can't dress like you do."
And I can't help that. But one of the things I have noticed while making my purchases and trying to decide what craft materials I need to make accessories for myself, is that I'm always looking for the same stuff. It might not look like the same stuff to other people, but everything I wear has the same vibe, the same spirit to it. And I look for that vibe, and when I find it, I buy whatever it is that has it.
I don't know how to teach other people to do that. I suppose you just have to know your inner self very well and listen when tells you that it sees something that reflects it--but that might seem too supernatural to some of you.
I can teach you a few tips (e.g. don't wear baggy shirts if you're a thinner, smaller chested body type, and don't wear too tight jeans if you have thicker thighs) but I don't know that I can school you in personal style. That's something you have to discover yourself.
I'd say the fashion magazines have it all wrong. It's not all about what everyone else is wearing. (Granted you have to understand that capes and man-tights are no longer socially acceptable). It's about expressing yourself.
Clothes aren't just a covering. Clothes are a message board--they tell other people things about you. If you're wearing pajamas, that can say two things about you: either that you're going to sleep, or you're too lazy to change out of them and honestly don't care about your appearance. The latter is not a message you want to send. Sure, you may not care, but laziness makes others think that you're not a very good worker -- and that won't get you very far in this world.
Besides the required credentials, I'd say one of the most important things in getting a job is presence. Attitude, Dress, Mannerisms (they way you behave) and Vocabulary say a LOT. If you dress crisp, have a positive, determined and enthusiastic (but not invasively so) attitude, behave in a refined (that just means well educated and well mannered, not all prissy and stuck up) and speak in a educated manner, you will leave a good impression. If you dress sloppily, sound unenthusiastic, bored or inattentive, behave like an animal (e.g. grunt, whine, make bodily sounds) and barely know enough words not to drop an F-bomb every five seconds... you're employers won't even consider you for the position.
They don't want that in the workplace. You wouldn't either, in their position.
Anyway, just keep in mind that the way you dress is important. If you can't afford thousands of dollars on clothes, don't worry (most of my clothes are under $50, if not $15). Beautiful style can be achieved with any paycheck if you just get to know yourself a little better.
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